Combat Clarification

When running a weird west game, it was brought to my attention that the way I ran combat in the game wasn't clearly explained in the rules. It was great feedback, so I updated the rules to clarify how combat works, especially when the number of enemies doesn't match the number of PC's.

Here's the tip I added to page 3:

When there are more enemies than PC's, any enemy which wasn't attacked may pick a PC to attack, forcing the PC to roll an attack. When multiple PC’s attack one enemy, the enemy will counter every attack against it, if possible. 

I also updated the Combat section as follows:
Players roll when attacking or being attacked. For damage, the enemy takes hits equal to # successes. The character takes hits equal to the enemy's Attack Rating - # successes.


Heroic Tales - v1.27.pdf 1 MB
Aug 06, 2023

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